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What to do if your Hive Hub is offline
If your Hive Hub is showing as offline in the Hive app, you may also see a number of light sequences on the hub itself.
The first thing you should do however before checking the meaning of the light sequences, it to make sure that your Hub is placed somewhere that it can connect to the Hive network reliably:
Where should you place your Hub?
Place your Hub in an open space, at least one metre from the ground. Avoid putting it in a cupboard or an enclosed space.
Do not place your Hub directly on the floor, in an enclosed area such as a cupboard, or near large metal objects as this will block the signal from other Hive devices. Obstructions such as walls can also impact the signal strength.
Each Hive device has a range of about 10 metres in every direction, but this will be severely impacted by the thickness of the in between walls.
Electrical interference
Elevate your Hub off the ground and place it far from all sources of electrical interference such as TVs, HiFi, cordless phones, baby monitors and games consoles.
Try to avoid locating your hub in your kitchen as they are generally full of other devices that can disrupt your signal.
Avoid placing the Hub in close proximity to mirrors or fish tanks.
*Hot tip* if your Hive system is offline in the app remember you can still control your heating by using the physical thermostat itself. If that is showing a ‘searching...’ or Offline message as well, you can always go to the Hive boiler module (white plastic box located next to your boiler with a flame icon on the front) and control your heating or hot water by pressing the heating or hot water override button so that it goes green.
Hive Hub – 3rd Generation with WiFi
If your hub looks like this:
Nano 3
Is it powered on? Make sure there is a light on the top of the Hub. If not:
- Check the power cable is secure at the Hub and the wall.
- Ensure it is switched on on the wall.
- Try another power socket.
- If you have another USB-C cable at home then test powering the Hub with that.
If your Hub is displaying one of the below light sequences, check what it means and follow the troubleshooting guidance.
Flashing Green = Hub is setting itself up and the button is not yet functional.
Wait for 20 minutes and refresh your Hive App. If your hub is still offline, please follow the steps below.
Alternating Green and Red = Hub is connected to the internet but is not able to communicate with the Hive platform.
This is usually caused by a security or parental control setting on the router. Please check your router settings before trying to contact Hive.
Solid Red = Your Hub was connected to the Hive platform but has lost its internet connection.
Step 1: Check your Hive Hub is located correctly by following the guidance at the top of this page.
Step 2: Restart the Hub by removing the power cable and then reinserting it. Give the hub 5 -10 minutes to reboot, it will start to flash different colours.
Step 3: Wait for the hub lights to stop flashing, this can take up to 5 minutes. Go to 'Menu' in the Hive app, tap 'Manage devices' then refresh the page. If the hub is showing as 'connected' there's no need to follow the remaining steps.
Step 4: If connected via Ethernet cable:
Check that the ethernet cable is connected correctly to your broadband router. Ensure that it is not going into a Wi-Fi extender or a modem box (Note: Hive Hubs are NOT compatible with 2.5gbps, please ensure the hub is not connected to one of these ports on your router).
Step 5: Check your broadband is working ok by accessing a webpage on another device. If the problem is your router connection, then please access troubleshooting guidance from your internet provider.
Step 6: Once you have confirmed that the broadband connection is working OK, try to connect your Hub using the alternate method from the one you have chosen. For example, if you have connected your Hub using a Wi-Fi connection, please plug it into a spare Ethernet port on the router using the ethernet cable provided. If you have used the ethernet connection, open the Hive app, and select ‘Manage’ > ‘Devices’ > ‘Hub’ and select ‘Change Wi-Fi'.
Once you have connected the Hub via Ethernet, or completed the Change Wi-Fi journey, go to 'Menu' in the Hive app, tap 'Manage devices' then refresh the page. If the hub is shown as 'connected' there's no need to follow the remaining steps.
Step 7: Swap the ethernet cable ends around or replace the ethernet cable with a spare one if you have it and restart your broadband router.
Step 8: Check that your download speed is at least 5mbps as a very slow broadband speed could prevent the hub from coming back online.
Step 9: Remove the power cable for 3 seconds and then put it back in for 10 seconds. Repeat this step 6 times until the hub lights begins to flash alternate red and amber. Leave the hub for an hour to give it 4 attempts to recover, once recovered the top light on the hub should turn Green
Step 10: Go back to 'Menu' in the Hive app, tap 'Manage devices' then refresh the page. If the hub is showing as 'connected' you're done!
Step 11: If you’re still having trouble with your Hive Hub then contact us.
If you'd like to try connecting via Wi-Fi instead, please remove the ethernet cable, tap the “Can’t connect to your hub – fix it” icon on the home screen of your Hive app, and tap “connect to Wi-Fi” at the bottom of this page.
Hive Hub
If your hub looks like this:
Check out this useful video for tips on how to get your hub back online:
Flashing Fast Green = Hub is trying to connect to the internet.
Flashing Slow Green = Hub is trying to connect to the Hive servers or is in upgrade mode.
Wait for 20 minutes and refresh your Hive app. If your hub is still offline then please follow the steps below.
Flashing Red / Amber = Hub is trying to recover from a failed connection to the internet or power supply.
Solid Red & Amber = Hub is trying to recover from a failed connection to the internet or power supply
Wait for 1 hour and refresh your Hive app. If your hub is still offline then please follow steps 1-6 below. If your Hive Hub remains offline then please contact us.
No lights = Hub or power cable could be faulty.
Solid Red = Hub failed to connect to the internet.
Solid Red & Green = Hub failed to start correctly.
Flashing Green & Red = possible power cable issue.
Follow the steps below:
Step 1. Check your Hive Hub is placed correctly by following the guide here. Restart the hub by removing the power cable and then reinserting it. Give the hub 5 -10 minutes to reboot, it will start to flash different colours.
Step 2. Wait for the hub lights to stop flashing, this can take up to 5 minutes. Go to 'Menu' in the Hive app, tap 'Manage devices' then refresh the page. If the hub is showing as 'connected' there's no need to follow the remaining steps.
Step 3. Check that the ethernet cable is connected correctly to your broadband router. Ensure that it is not going in to a Wi-Fi extender or a modem box (Note: Hive Hubs are NOT compatible with 2.5gbps, please ensure the hub is not connected to one of these ports on your router).
Step 4. Check your broadband is working ok.
Step 5. Swap the ethernet cable ends around or replace the ethernet cable with a spare one if you have it and restart your broadband router.
Step 6. Check that your download speed is at least 5mbps as a very slow broadband speed could prevent the hub from coming back online.
Step 7. Remove the power cable for 3 seconds and then put it back in for 10 seconds. Repeat this step 6 times until the hub lights begins to flash alternate red and amber. Leave the hub for an hour to give it 4 attempts to recover, once recovered the top light on the hub should turn Green
Step 8. Go back to 'Menu' in the Hive app, tap 'Manage devices' then refresh the page. If the hub is showing as 'connected' you're done!
Step 9. If you’re still having trouble with your Hive Hub then contact us.
Hive Hub 360
If your hub looks like this:
You may see the following light sequences on the hub:
Flashing White = Hub 360 is starting up
Solid Purple (next to hub mic) = Hub 360 is connected and the mic is muted
Double flashing Amber = Hub 360 is in pairing mode and searching for your Hive products
No Lights = Hub 360 is connected and monitoring for unusual sounds
Wait for 20 minutes and refresh your Hive app. If your hub is still offline then please follow the steps below.
Solid Red = Hub cannot connect to the internet
Please follow the steps below.
Spinning Blue = Hub is attempting to pair to Bluetooth via your mobile handset
Please follow the steps in your Hive app to install your Hub 360.
Solid Blue = Bluetooth has timed-out
Press and hold the reset button on the bottom of the hub (next to the power connector) for longer than 10 seconds, and then release, to put the hub back into Bluetooth pairing mode. The light on the top of the hub should now spin blue, then follow the instructions in the Hive app to install your Hub 360.
Slow Flashing Green = Hub 360 is updating its firmware
Wait until your hub has finished showing a green flashing light and you see one of the light states above, then refresh your Hive app. If your hub is still offline, please follow the steps below.
Alternating Red / Amber = Hub is trying to recover from a failed connection to the internet or power supply.
Wait 1 hour and then refresh your Hive app. If your hub is still offline then please contact us.
Step 1. Check that your Hive Hub 360 has power by checking the small LED on the base of the device, this should be Green.
Step 2. Check your internet connection, make sure your mobile device is connected to Wi-Fi and try and open a web page. if not contact your Internet service provider
Step 3. Unplug your Hub 360 from the wall socket and reinsert it, wait for the hub to reboot (this can take about 10 minutes) then refresh the Hive app dashboard page in the app.
Step 4. Check that your download speed is at least 5mbps as a very slow broadband speed could prevent the hub from coming back online.
Step 5. Still not sorted? You can reconnect the hub to your Wi-Fi by going to your Hive app, tap the Hub 360, Settings, Change Wi-Fi, and follow the in-app instructions.
Step 6. Go back to 'Menu' in the Hive app, tap 'Manage devices' then refresh the page. If the hub is showing as 'connected' you're done!
Step 7. If you’re still having trouble with your Hive Hub 360 then please contact us.
If you've just changed broadband providers, then see Changing Broadband Providers or simply changing your router: What to do with your Hive Hub.
If you're still not back up and running please contact us.
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