Smarter living starts here
For a home that knows what you want

Power is having energy at your fingertips
Greener electricity from the sun’s rays. Low-carbon heating from the air outside. A clever app that can cut bills effortlessly. Hive is rewriting the rules of energy – and putting you in charge of it all.
Build your future-ready smart system
Manage your smart, money-saving home with the Hive app

Set smarter schedules
Whatever your routine, the Hive app lets you programme your smart tech to work around you. Set your lights to come on at sunset and your smart plugs to switch off at bedtime – so you’re never wasting energy when you don’t need it.
Monitor your energy use
Demystify your daily energy use with Hive Lights and Plugs. They’ll show you exactly how much energy your electricals and lighting is using at any time. And if you want to cut back, simply switch everything off with a tap of the app.
Get home working seamlessly
Use smart sensors and Quick Actions to create a fully automated, energy-saving home. Like telling your lights to switch off automatically when you leave the room, or asking the thermostat to turn up the heat as soon as you get home from work.